Mustangs Unlimited

Electrical problems are one of the most common problems in older cars that can affect radios, wipers and other parts of the car to bigger problems like ignition coils that won't ignite, or pumps that can't do their job.

Electrical fires in cars can be caused by a defective or rotted wire that can get very hot and possibly igniting material in the car that can instantly burst into flames. A known item is a loose connection of a wire that is on a terminal, which causes overheating and or sparks.

As an owner of a 1964 Mustang keep in mind that older cars like Mustangs are around 40 years old and even if your Mustang has never been left outside in extreme temperatures the wiring naturally ages through dry rot leaving bare wires exposed and dangerous and connectors corroded. Especially replace the headlight and turn signal switches since these are high amped components and can compound your electrical problems if not in good condition. There are a lot of aftermarket Mustang parts and accessories and wiring harnesses on the market. The good ones are correctly color coded and made to exact Ford Specifications. There are many resources for classic Mustang wiring and some have been making the wiring harnesses for classic Mustangs and f-100 trucks for several years and are widely distributed by many of the larger Mustang companies.You can get the wiring directly from auto part resellers including those familiar online stores like Mac's Antique Auto Parts, CJ Pony Parts, Mustangs Unlimited or Scott Drake to name a few.

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

Mustangs Unlimited

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